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This is the part of the story where our hero enters; Jesus Christ would come to rescue us from our slavery to sin and death.

The God who creates is the God who loves with a love that is far beyond any human comprehension or imitation. For all eternity God has this plan to rescue sinners and destroy sin. God the Father would send the Son to come and live a perfect life on our behalf, so when we fall short, Jesus has met the perfect requirements of the law in our place.

Jesus would then go to the cross and suffer in our place. Jesus took on Himself all of our sin, guilt, shame and death, that we might be forgiven. Yet Jesus did not only provide forgiveness for sin but went beyond to credit to us His righteousness (right standing before God) so we are no longer seen as enemies, but adopted children who have been ransomed and purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. As Jesus died, so too did all our guilt before God. 

Yet Jesus Christ did not stay dead and three days later he would raise again declaring to all of creation and every kingdom and dominion everywhere that Jesus reigns and the price has been paid. His life and death were the perfect substitution and sacrifice so all who would come and believe, can be forgiven, justified, saved and adopted into the family of God. Jesus then sends the Spirit of the living God to dwell within us to comfort, convict, free and lead us into a life of joyful obedience as we seek to know Christ more and make Him known.

As we are led by the Spirit and seek to follow Him we desire to make known that truth that “Christ came to save sinners.” There is redemption for ALL who would put their faith in Jesus and Jesus alone. The redeeming work of Jesus is not limited by background, race, gender or socio-economical status, nor is based on religious works. This is a gift of grace, freely given to those who will receive the work of Jesus on their behalf.